Простая витрина товаров на WordPress
Витрина товаров на плагине Custom Post Type UI
React, WordPress and BSD+Patents License
(Русский) Не до конца открытый исходный код или битва за свободный ReactJs. Результаты осенних дебатов разработчиков за отмену лицензии BSD+Patents на продукты Facebook
8 WordPress plugins for helping developing theme
A few plugins for help developing WordPress theme
Gutenberg - new text editor from the creators WordPress
Gif animation preview WordPress text editor Gutenberg
WP 5 - what new Wordpress 5
Wordpress 5 - new editor Gutenbnerg, add React,js in admin panel and competition whith cloud-based web development platform
WP + WooCommerce - goods attributes
About editing attributes in Wordpress + WooCommerce, use default and advanced opportunities
WP+Woocommerce – edit attribute table
Change default output products attributes
WP+Woocommerce - edit widget featured products
Change default view for woocommerce widget featured products