Include submodules into Git repository
Git submodules tools let you separate your repositories or including third party extension in your project.
Docker + Docker Compose - use containers for Web Development
(Русский) Установка Docker, развертка контейнеров и их конфигурирование с помощью Docker Compose
OpenCart - change slideshow effect
Changed effect transition slider in OpenCart 2 and OpenCart 3
(Русский) OpenCart - настройка партнерской программы
(Русский) Использование стандартной партнёрской программы в CMS OpenCart, её возможности и настройка.
Notes about VCS - git
Version Control System Git - notes and application example
8 WordPress plugins for helping developing theme
A few plugins for help developing WordPress theme
WP + WooCommerce - goods attributes
About editing attributes in Wordpress + WooCommerce, use default and advanced opportunities what's new in 2017
Review update russian freelance services, make in begin 2017 year
WP don’t work Settings Display and Woo Goods extends tabs
Run new WordPress project and find bug in admin panel - don`t work extend tabs in WooComerce goods editpage. First idea was not correct settings "Screen Options", but this button also broken.